At our core, we are storytellers.
Not just with words, but also with visuals. In each case we start with a strong storyline. From there we add the visuals that further move the story along. Below we’ve included examples of our storytelling in a wide variety of media.
Collateral content is perhaps the most pragmatic visual content. Typically used at the bottom of funnel, it has one job — provide pertinent details to your prospect. Yet, even here a designer’s eye is required. Design becomes a tool to increase comprehension, retention and to move the prospect to commit.
An eBook is not just a book in PDF form. Done correctly, eBooks harness all manner of digital communication, including illustration, animation, video, audio and other types of content. eBooks should educate, but do so in an entertaining manner.
An infographic is a well to tell a complex story in a quick, accessible, even fun manner. An infographic is not a collection of charts and graphics, or an endless stream of icons. Done correctly, an infographic is a story told mostly with visuals. Words should be used as a last resort.
Think of a PowerPoint (or Keynote) as the stage in a play. It is not the “star” of the show, that’s what the presenter is there for (much like actors on the stage). Rather, a PowerPoint set’s the stage and provides the optimal platform to allow the start of the show (the presenter) to truly shine.
Being successful in the digital marketing space requires having a successful social media plan in place. Applying the latest social media strategies including creating custom images, writing optimized content and compelling, relevant posts help you build long-term and profitable relationships with customers and prospects.
Your prospects want video content above all else. But videos come in all types, from glossy corporate videos to explainers to product demo and short social videos. But in each case, a video is a story. It teaches the viewer some they didn’t know, makes them believe something they didn’t, and moves them to do something they weren’t planning to do.
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